Come walk with Blue Tassel Farm….

Our Mission

In the book of Numbers Chapter 15 37-41 God tells Moses to make Tassels with blue cords and tie them on your garments as a reminder of the Freedom you now enjoy because of me. To remember my commands by guarding your hearts and your eyes from the lusts of this world. This passage was not given to Moses just for the people of his day, but it clearly says for generations to come. That means us, Blue Tassel Farm exist to show inner-city and at risk kids that they have a God that has set them Free from the bondage of reckless life that seems to surround them everyday.


5:30pm to  8:00pm

December 13, 14, 20 ,21

We appreciate your support!

Come out….

Hayrides to the North Pole

Meet and Feed the animals

Punch, Cookies & Candy Canes

Admission is FREE
(Donation Appreciated)

Call 317-982-0822 with questions

Location here at Blue Tassel Farm 

6855 E CR 920 N. Butlerville, IN

Our Ministry

Each month we will work with other ministries to bring out a select group of kids or those struggling in homelessness for a 48 hour period where they will be lavished with the love of God. Horse back riding, cow milking, egg fetching, fishing, camp fires, hayrides, go-carts, bow and arrow range, hiking, barn basketball, recreation center and more. Quality time with counselors.


Our story…

Check out Pastor Tim’s first CD!

Make a donation today and get a FREE CD!

How can you help?

Prayer Team

We want to build a prayer team that will cover this farm from the front road to the back of the woods, especially on the retreat weekends.

Financial Team

We need monthly supporters, both Corporate and Individual that will help with the farms expenses which includes: staff salaries(modest), utilities, insurance and upkeep on the farms animals and equipment.

You can also do a one time or annual gift.

No matter the way you give financially you will receive an annual tax receipt. Blue Tassel Farm is a recognized 501 c(3) charitable organization under Federal law.

From the farm…